Here is where one can find our non-review writing. We don't have much screen writing experience, but it is an interest of ours. There is another screenplay in the works write now named Monster Movie (working title). Maybe we'll upload some poems or stories as well, let's see what the imagination brings.
Different Realities
An essay I felt compelled to write because of the genocide happening in Gaza, Palestine right now. The different life experiences that we as Americans live from those of war torn countries is an immense gulf. We do not have the collective experience of getting bombed so please let's have some compassion.
Finished 3/18/2024
A short screenplay written back when I was attending school. Its about a working class latino family living in Key Largo, FL. The Sosa's are trying to survive through some familial drama. Meanwhile Alex (14), the eldest son, decides to run away from home and paddle out to a deserted island to start a new adventure. Unbeknownst to him, a hurricane is going to make landfall in a few days.
Finished 12/12/2018